European Union pays visit to AAIU Gulu Cluster.

The AAIU Gulu Cluster was on Thursday last week visited by a representative team from the European Union. This visit was purposed to follow up on the progress of the beneficiaries of theYouth Empowerment for Sustainable Self Employment and National development (YESSEN) Project a four-year project that had been funded the European Union.
The visit was held both physically and virtually with EU representatives, AAIU management and Country Management team members who joined virtually via a Zoom Meeting.
Hope Sylvia Masika (Gulu Cluster LRP Coordinator) addressed the team present, narrating the background of the project highlighting successes, key challenges and key learnings from the implementation of the YESSEN project.
During the visit, Mrs. Elisabeth Ongom, the EU team leader applauded AAIU for the good work done during and after closure of the project. The team also highlighted key issues that disabled the project from achieving as was expected, recommending digitization of the interventions with communities, ensuring that there is business sense in all the undertakings of the groups and supporting micro level economic enterprises. This according to her will facilitate speedy growth and increased income of the groups and individuals being supported.
Mr. Nickson Ogwal, the Director Program and Policy at AAIU who was in attendance virtually, thanked the visiting team and welcomed positively the recommendations for improving AAIU programing. He also highlighted on the Midterm review that AAIU is undertaking and emphasized that stakeholders such as EU would be consulted for consideration of their views. Mr. Xavier Ejoyi, the Country Director of AAIU thanked the donor for their visit and welcomed their feedback into AAIU programming.
ActionAid Uganda with funding from the European Union started the implementation of the Youth Empowerment for Sustainable Self Employment and National development (YESSEN) in September 2016 in the districts of Amuru, Kotido, Lira, Nwoya, and Pader.
The overall objective of the project was to empower youth to take an active role in sustainable economic activities and contribute to Uganda’s national development.
The project specifically sought to enhance young people’s employable skills and link them to regional and national youth networks for greater engagement with decision makers and participation in shaping policy and programs that affect young men and women.