Happy New Year and Warm Greetings!
I would like to acknowledge all the efforts of different teams and various achievements gained during the past 12 months. Despite the disruptions, we were able to achieve quite a lot as outlined in the CD’s end of year communication, among them was the launch of our 5th Strategy. I would also like to thank all staff for their commitment to AAU mission and for showing such resilience amidst the face of adversity during the police siege
As we begin 2018, the year when we roll out this strategy, the key message for the year is to “Be Solutions Oriented”. We shall be required to shed off a lot of our old skin, unlearn the poor acquired organisational culture, bad attitudes and behaviours so that we are fit for purpose of which the strategy “Strengthening Struggles for Social Justice” was developed.
This shift will naturally come with a lot of changes and in order to begin this process of roll out, below are the key priorities for 2018 which will guide our actions in the next months.