The Fair, Green and Global Project-Phase 2.
The Fair, Green and Global(FGG) is one of the 25 alliances engaged in strategic funding partnership for Dialogue and Dissent with the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The main activities of the project include; lobbying and advocacy, capacity development, policy analysis, research and publications, as well as campaigning. The FGG alliance seeks to enhance the capacities of civil society organisations in developing countries and in emerging economies in representing the interests of local communities and to contribute to social justice and environmentally sustainable development.
To ensure ‘fair’ and ‘green’ development, the Alliance works with civil society organisations, community-based organisations , communities, and individuals that face challenges relating to human rights and the deprivation of rights generally.
In Uganda, FGG focuses on land rights, CSO operating space, Human Rights Defender protection and revenue raising through taxation. The project contributes to Priority 1 and 3 of the ActionAid Uganda 5th Strategy Paper; Women’s access to social justice and Peoples action for democratic governance.
Theory of Change 1: Improved corporate conduct
FGG’s goal is to ensure that improved corporate conduct advances social justice, decent work and environmental sustainability. We believe that corporations have a role in and responsibility for fighting poverty and injustice and promoting inclusive and sustainable development. This dossier is implemented by ActionAid Uganda in partnership with Action Alliance, an organization that conducts capacity building for local communities to resist land grabs. Under this framework AAU and partners focus on promoting land rights by advocating against land grabs by government, powerful individuals and corporations.
Supporting Human Rights Defenders And Ensuring Effective Remedy
Many HRDs around Uganda face intimidation and violence for speaking out in defence of their rights or those of a community or group. These abuses include heavy-handed policing, dismissals, abuse, threats, spurious arrests and bureaucratic intimidation, prosecutions, disappearance and murder. This, combined in some cases with measures to regulate civil society’s ability to organise and express itself, greatly decreases civil society’s ability to advocate, lobby and negotiate. A strong enabling environment for civil society to operate, engage with stakeholders and claim or defend human rights and community interests is essential in all of our work. Within this dossier, FGG pays special attention to capacity building for Human Rights Defenders (HRDs) (including workers, communities and CSO partners such as local non-governmental organisations (NGOs), women’s organisations, trade unions, cooperatives and networks who are, or are likely to be, directly affected by rights violations, or who can play a key role in securing an enabling environment for HRDs.
ActionAid in partnership with Legal Aid Services Providers Network are implementing the actions under this theme.
Improving financial Regulations:
Progressive Revenue Raising And Spending Through Tax Justice: To achieve a fair and just international tax regime that supports sustainable development in Uganda (focusing on Double Taxation Treaties), FGG members and CSO partners focus on three types of intervention. Firstly, monitor, analyse and reveal the impacts of current tax policies and treaties, emphasizing human rights and policy coherence for development. Secondly, advocate jointly for increased democracy in both national and international decision making on tax issues, and for an end to corporate capture of key relevant decision making processes. Thirdly, build mutual capacity with partners to advocate for change, and to develop policy alternatives, proposals for improved practices, and alternative tax models.
ActionAid implements this theme in partnership with the Southern and Eastern Africa Trade Information and Trade and Negotiations Institute, the Tax Justice Alliance and all members thereunder.
Strategies for implementation of the project
- Lobbying and Advocacy: Over the years we have refined our strategy with respect to lobbying and advocacy, and we have now identified six intermediate steps (outcome areas) that will lead to improvements in corporate conduct, trade and investment, and financial and tax policies. The first three ‘preparatory’ steps relate directly to mutual capacity building; (A) an enabling environment, (B) capacities strengthened, and (C) alternatives developed. These steps form the preconditions for FGG partners and members to effectively jointly lobby and advocate, leading to the last three steps; (D) agenda setting, (E) policy change and (F) practice change.
- Mutual capacity Building: FGG ensures that partners have access to knowledge, lobbying platforms and international strategy discussions. Besides knowledge development, trainings and workshops, exchanges between partners (especially inter-regional exchanges) and collaboration in networks are critical aspects of capacity building. By linking people, organisations and networks at the local, national and global levels it becomes possible to build a critical mass that can successfully impact different geographical points in global supply chains or global trade agendas to bring about change.
- Strategy To Ensure Inclusivity, Including Gender Equality: A key cross-cutting goal of FGG’s 2016-2020 programme is to effectively advance inclusivity and gender equality within the broader goal of strengthening the lobbying and advocacy capacity of civil society organisations. This capacity building will include a focus on gender injustices, and the activities themselves are conducted in a gender sensitive and gender just manner. FGG also enhances inclusivity by working with various national and regional networks on joint agenda setting, effective participation, and women’s and men’s leadership.
- Dialogue And Dissent: The partnership between the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the FGG alliance is based on an assumption accepting both dialogue and dissent. This is the same for implementing partners like AAU in Uganda. Dialogue and dissent with government is a form of addressing challenges with a view of reaching a common ground for the benefit of local communities.
For more information contact;
Jennipher Achaloi | Coordinator – Fair Green & Global Project | Uganda
Tel: +256 392 220 002/3 | Mob: +256 782 477 889
Skype: jennipher.achaloi1