On behalf of the General Assembly and the Board of ActionAid International Uganda (AAIU), I am pleased to present to you the Annual Report of 2018. The year was a memorable one for AAIU as it commenced implementation of 5th Strategy- “Strengthening Struggles for Social Justice
2018-2022”. The year also provided an opportunity to exhibit our resilience against an increasingly challenging operating context emerging from the siege of the organisation by security forces. This report is both a programatic and institutional milestone in our resolve to secure social justice for people living in extreme poverty and exclusion in areas where we work in Uganda. In line with the strategic priorities of the Strategy, we have responded to key challenges underlying extreme poverty and exclusion in Uganda. This report highlights our renewed
response to patriarchy and negative cultural practices and other forms of oppression against girls and women. In securing economic livelihoods of communities, we have supported courageous movements of communities to reclaim their land rights and promoted agroecological practices that reduce their vulnerability. Corruption remains a major challenge in Uganda, with the country ranked 149 out of 180 in the Transparency International 2017 corruption perception index. In 2018, we made significant progress in empowering citizens with information and supported their participation in decision making, promoting transparency and accountability in public service.
We have embarked on supporting young people’s movements, coalition and their organisations to provide leadership in fighting corruption at local, regional and national levels. We extend our gratitude to the Management and Staff of ActionAid International Uganda for their relentless efforts in implementation of activities and programme in a fragile operating context. We particularly thank Ms. Christine Aboke for providing leadership as Interim Country Director for more than eight months We are delighted to introduce Mr. Xavier Ejoyi appointed as Country Director in September 2018. He joined ActionAid International Uganda from USAID. We also welcome Ms. Irene Among an experienced social development practitioner and Mr. Constant Othieno Mayende, a seasoned accountant and Auditor to the ActionAid International Uganda National Governing Board, bringing the total board membership to eleven (11).
Finally, we welcome our renewed funding partnership agreements with key donors notably the Strategic Partnership Agreement (SPA) with DANIDA through ActionAid Demark, the Democratic Governance Facility (DGF) and the United Kingdom’s Department for International
Development (DFID). Recognizing the changing funding landscape characterized by changing donor priorities, increased scrutiny and competition, we are hopeful that these resources will make significant contribution to achieving the Strategy.