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The ActionAid Weekly-Activista give pallisa a face lift

[ibimage==34981==image_content_fullwidth==none==self==null==]Dear Reader, while we celebrate the coming of the rains, these pupils in Nebbi are cursing. Whenever it rains, they don’t study. That tree


The AAU Weekly- Uganda police tops Human Rights Abusers

[ibimage==34913==image_content_fullwidth==none==self==null==]A Happy August to you all.With just four months left to end the year, we bring to you the unfortunate report of the Uganda Police; it has


Business, Human Rights, and Uganda’s Oil; Part III: Respect and Remedy: Implementing corporate responsibility under the UN Framework on Business and Human Rights

The following is the third in a series of four reports exploring business and human rights issues in Uganda’s oil sector. This series is a collaboration between IPIS vzw and ActionAid Uganda.The 2011


The ActionAid Weekly- The AAU star performers for the past six months!

[ibimage==34763==image_content_fullwidth==none==self==null==]In this edition, we bring to you the star performers in ActionAid for the past 6 months.  Your guess may be correct or wrong on who these


The ActionAid Weekly- Am your ally-Speaker of Parliament Assures Cooperatives

[ibimage==34653==image_content_fullwidth==none==self==null==]In this edition of the Weekly, we bring to you highlights from last Week’s Women’s Forum. The ladies laughed, danced, played and exchanged


The ActionAid Weekly- Social Movements and Change;The Land Platform

In this edition of the Weekly, a female ActionAid staff pours out her heart about the dilemmas, challenges and conflicting royalties of  being a career woman, mother, wife and student. She tales a


The ActionAid Weekly-Galagala Primary school to become Govt aided

In this edition of the Weekly, read about the Greek Volunteers that came in Uganda, not for a holiday but to construct an administration block for Galagala Primary school. The act prompted a dicision


Advancing Rights, Improving Lives! The 2015 ActionAid Uganda Annual Report

[ibimage==34493==image_content_fullwidth==none==self==null==]At the beginning of 2015, we made three institutional promises, in addition to our unwavering commitments to standing by and delivering


The ActionAid Weekly-Joy, Emotions and excitement-Day of the African Child commemoration in words and pictures

[ibimage==34452==image_content_fullwidth==none==self==null==]ActionAid commemorated the Day of the African Child in Kapchorwa, presided over by the Eoropean Union Head of Mission in Uganda. We


The ActionAid Weekly-Day of the African Child

[ibimage==34448==image_content_fullwidth==none==self==null==]This week, Africa celebrates the Day of the Africa Child for the 25th time. Unfortunately, the children in Africa and Uganda continue to