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The ActionAid Weekly- The best teachers in the land!

In this issue, read about the inequality statistics that are so alarming, the worst that the world has registered in the last 100 years, find out who  won the teachers competition that ended last


The ActionAid Weekly-AAU launches Fair, Green and global project

We are left with ten days to vote for our President and other leaders. In almost all Weekly editions that I have shared, I have written about several situations that are not right. Here is an


The ActionAid Weekly-#OurOilOurFuture-Twitter rally!

During last Saturday's historical presidential debate, Incumbent Yoweri Museven stated that Oil is an NRM discovery. Candidate Abed Bwanika challenged the statement, arguing that Oil belongs to all


The ActionAid Weekly-The poll that lacked Transparency and Independence!

Last Thursday, Ugandans went to vote for their President for the next five years. President Museveniwas declared winner of an election that many have described as the most fraudulent election in the


The ActionAid Weekly: The unresolved land desputes of Amuru and Nwoya

As we count down to Women’s day, the Weekly publication will feature men who stand up for Women.Mr Okware from Nebbi stopped beating his wife. He now goes an extra mile to reduce the burden ofcare


The ActionAid Weekly:Every 12 minutes, A Woman dies due to GBV-Report

A Happy Womens day to all the ladies in this audience, and to the men who respect the ladies. Did you know that in every 12 minutes, a woman dies due to Gender Based Violence in the world? This


The ActionAid Weekly-AAU's Women's day Twitter explosion

"If your masculinity is threatened by an empowered woman, then it was not build on a just foundation”- not my words, but the words of AAU’s Country Director, Arthur Larok. This edition gives you an


The ActionAid weekly- the alarming jigger infestation that must change

Dear reader.In this Weekly edition, read about the jigger problem and its  consequences  in Namutumba district, where 21% of the district population is infested.We also have some good moments. Meet


The ActionAid Weekly-Rural Women spend 80% of their time looking for water-Hon Minister

While you were enjoying your Easter Holiday,  a one Adolf Busingye was busy cutting off his pregnant wife’s hands and ears! In two months time, the victim will have a baby. How is she expected to go