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Country Director’s New Year Message

It is often said that the ‘Sky is the limit’! For ActionAid Uganda, it may just as well, be the beginning. As I welcome you all from a deserved Festive/Holiday Season to yet another year we expect to


ActionAid Uganda Weekly

Meet Ms Zainab Mbabazi. She has transformed from a GBV survivor to a successfull bussiness woman.


Black Monday Newsletter #24

Thirty years ago, it was possible for any child in Uganda, irrespective of background, to make it to university for any professional course. But now, one has to either be from a rich family or, at the


Country Director’s Annual Message

It is exactly three years and 1 week since I took up the mantle and responsibility of leading ActionAid Uganda after signing a 3 year Contract. Together with you all and with the incredible support


ActionAid Uganda Weekly

Galagala Primary school becomes a reality!


ActionAid Uganda Weekly

For many women, the dream of starting their businesses is often hampered by lack of start-up capital and limited business skills. Kumi LRP therefore supported 19 survivors of gender-based violence


ActionAid Uganda Weekly

As we continue to celebrate International Womens Day, the Weekly brings to you the 12 Human Rights key to Womens Empowerment and Gender equality! 


ActionAid Uganda Weekly

Celebrating International Women's day; ActionAid Uganda voted best NGO in Amuru.