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The ActionAid Weekly-What you did not know about our GBV Shelters

[ibimage==39694==image_content_fullwidth==none==self==null==]The map above shows the ActionAid GBV shelters spread across the Country. AAU GBV shelters are supplemented by the MIFUMI run shelters in


The ActionAid Weekly- The faces at our GBV Shelters

[ibimage==39730==image_content_fullwidth==none==self==null==]At all our 10 GBV shelters, you are assured of getting all the above listed services, and so much more. You will also be served by well


ActionAid Weekly -The 12th AAU general Assembly

In this edition of the Weekly, we bring you the faces, resolutions and motions moved at the just concluded ActionAid Annual General Assembly. We also bring you news from the agricultural summit in


The ActionAid Weekly-Q&A with AAU's Former Country Director

[ibimage==39856==image_content_fullwidth==none==self==null==]This was the last edition of the weekly from the Communications Officer Samanya R. Kyategeka.  In this edition, we feature the Former


The ActionAid Weekly 18th June 2018-Budget Speech 2018/19; Another Round of Empty Promises

We bring you the analysis of the National Budget FY2018-19, with a specific eye at the agriculture sector allocation, on which majority Ugandans are dependent. Find out why the sector is underfunded


The ActionAid Weekly 25th June 2018-Teso-Sub Region Commemorates Public Service Delivery Day in Pomp and Colour!

We bring you the Teso run in pictures, and as well, Masindi public service delivery day celebration that included cleaning a public hospital. All these activities were carried to mark the


The actionAid Weekly 2nd July-The One Million March; Women Protest Femicide

In this edition, We rant about the social media tax! Join the struggle to have this law reaped, or at worst amended! On a brighter note, hundreds of women marched on 1st July in Kampala, from


Gender Equality Efforts Get a £3.9M Funding Boost!!!

SURGE (Support to Uganda’s Response to Gender Equality) is a four-year programme, 2016-2020, supported by UK aid to the Government of Uganda (GoU). The Program’s overall aim is to strengthen efforts


The ActionAid Weekly 9th July 2018-AAU, CSOs, MPs make their stand against OTT, MM tax!

We garnered some success regarding the Mobile Money and social media tax. The MM tax dropped to 0.5% from 1%. The pressure to have social media tax scrapped is still on and this time, Members of