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The ActionAid Weekly-Ugandans must rise and protect the constitution

In a press conference conducted at the ActionAid offices last week, Ugandans were rallied to defend and build on whatever is left of the positive legacy that President Museveni still has and support


Moving on from the Police Siege of AA Uganda Offices

PreludeAA Uganda Offices, that of the Great Lakes Institute for Strategic Studies as well Solidarity Uganda/Act Alliance in Lira were raided by the police on Wednesday 20th and Thursday 21st September


The ActionAid Weekly- When Police Sieged ActionAid Offices

Police raided the ActionAid offices along that of the Great Lakes Institute for Strategic Studies (GLISS) on Wednesday, hours before the Igara West MP legislator Raphael Magyezi was expected to ask


The ActionAid Weekly- CSOs Condemn Parliament Defilement

ActionAid joined the rest of the Civil Society to condemn the manner in which Parliament was invaded by security agencies in what they described as a coup of the parliament. In the image is Hon


Galagala-the dream school becomes a reality!

In this edition of the weekly, we bring to you the story of Gala- gala primary school, It started like a dream in 2012, its now a reality.We also bring to you updates in and around the organisation


The ActionAid Weekly-Police interrogates Country and Finance Directors

Solidarity messages continue to come in from partners and beneficiaries of the work that ActionAid has been doing in Uganda for the last 35 years. This follows the Bank of Uganda Directive to freeze


The ActionAid Weekly-Staff energised while police continues to ask for support!

In this edition of the Weekly, we continue to bring to you developments within the organisation. Last week, the AAU Board held an extra-ordinary meeting while religious leaders visited and prayed for


The ActionAid Weekly- staff speak out on their hopes, fears, learnings and next steps after Accounts Freeze

In this issue, ActionAid staff speak out on what is making them busy in their respective offices, their fears, hopes and learnings.Mathias Nyombi, the Human Resource Officer particularly emphasizes


The ActionAid Weekly- ActionAid's present situation better!

[ibimage==38590==image_content_fullwidth==none==self==null==]In this Weekly edition, we interact with Project staff who tell us how they are managing donor expectations  and timelines for the


The ActionAid Weekly- AAU Governing Board Speaks out on Police Siege

Its normal operations at ActionAid despite the constraints caused by the frozen accounts.Find attached this week’s edition of the weekly.