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Embracing Rights! Improving Lives!

Embracing Rights! Improving Lives! - ActionAid International Uganda Country Strategy IV, 2012-2017


Frontline Stories: Fighting Corruption from Below

The publication “Fighting corruption from below” is an acknowledgement of ActionAid's partners work in the fight against corrupion in Uganda. It is a collection of stories anchored in the work and

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Stories of Change: One Woman at a Time

Women  are the  key  link  to  development,  yet  they  suffer  the  most   when  it  comes  to  HIV/AIDS  and  violence. Stories of Change is a compilation of testimonies of women from six districts


Tax Competition in East Africa: a Race to the Bottom?

Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and Rwanda are losing $2.8 billion each year through their use of tax incentives such as tax holidays for foreign businesses. Such tax incentives are promoting harmful tax


Tax incentives and revenue losses in Uganda: A race to the bottom?

Every year Uganda sacrifices an amount equal to nearly twice its entire health budget due to its use of tax incentives such as tax holidays for foreign businesses. Worse still, research shows that

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Women's Rights Centres

The Women’s Rights Centre is a crisis centre for abused women and their children. It is a one-stop centre that provides a safe space for women to heal, to learn and to change the situation for the



The Oil in Uganda Newsletter and Oil in Uganda Website set out to provide regular, timely and accurate information on the social, economic, governance and environmental dimensions of Uganda’s oil and


Stories and Voices of Hope from Giriki.

The Newsletter captures stories and voices of hope from Giriki and represents the triumph over the trials of people in Giriki. It demonstrates the workings of ActionAid’s Human Rights Based Approach


The NGO Policy.