ActionAid International Uganda (AAIU), with support from the European Union and Penny Appeal implemented a 4-year project dubbed Youth Empowerment for Sustainable Self Employment and National Development (YESSEN), in North and North Eastern Districts of Kotido, Pader, Lira, Amuru and Nwoya.
The targeted beneficiaries for this project were the most at-risk vulnerable youth and marginalized women.
During a 2 days review meeting held on 15th and 16th September 2020 with local associates and project beneficiaries, the following significant outcomes were realized:
- Positive change in attitude and mindset of young people –youth have embraced farming as a business
- Increased production of food crops for home consumption and sale. Kotido district reported that, the project has led to increased production of vegetables by young people.
- Reduced number of young people searching jobs as most of them engaged in agriculture/ farming as a business hence contributing to national development.
- Increased access and control over productive resources, especially land.
- Increased actions toward environmental conservation because of Climate Change Awareness creation within the target group and their communities.
- The youth have been empowered to participate in policy influencing and decision-making processes related to resource allocation to address youth priorities at both Sub County and District Levels.
The RDC Lira district, Mr. Odongo Milton, who officially closed the Project Review meeting, in his remarks expressed that the project had played a significant role by supplementing on the mandate of the government.
Mr. Milton highlighted the positive outcomes of the project such as fighting unemployment, ending poverty, and enhancing wealth.
He promised that going forward, the government will work with AAIU to make other similar projects to prosper and applauded AAIU for being non- partisan.