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The ActionAid Weekly-The 16 days of Activism are Here!

[ibimage==36120==image_content_fullwidth==none==self==null==]Over the years, ActionAid has worked with women and girls to break the bondage of Gender based violence. They are not only smiling again


The EU Funded Eliminating Violence against children Project

[ibimage==36224==image_content_fullwidth==none==self==null==]The overall objective of this project  is to contribute to the reduction and prevention of violence and exploitation of children especially


The ActionAid Weekly-Women demand for sanitary towels for their girl children

Please find attached the latest developments in and around ActionAid.  We particularly bring you the story of how the President returned the Income Tax(amendment) Bill to parliament and why we are not


The ActionAid Weekly-Civil society moves to the streets to protest MP-Tax exemptions

  In this edition, we bring to you the men who walked a mile in the Women’s shoes. The photos are a must see. Activists also got to the streets to demand that the MPs pay taxes on their allowances


The ActionAid Weekly: We want a referendum on MPs Tax Exemptions

[ibimage==36422==image_content_fullwidth==none==self==null==]The organizations under the Tax Justice Alliance are calling for a referendum on the proposed exemption of taxes on legislators’ allowances


2016 at a glance- Moments in and around ActionAid

A Happy new year to you all and welcome to this edition of the Weekly! Today,  we decided to summarize for you 2016. The attached document captures key moments that ActionAid took part in every month


The ActionAid Weekly: CSOs commit to clean their house in new year message

Find attached news in and around ActionAid. Read about the CSO’s personal reflections and commitment to clean their house and a lot more.


The Northern Uganda Watch- Impact of corruption on Social Service Delivery

[ibimage==36618==image_content_fullwidth==none==self==null==]Welcome to this edition of the quarterly Northern Uganda Watch Newsletter focusing on “Reject and Report Corruption: Your Responsibility


Policy Brief: Time to balance preventive and response Actions

The government has an obligation to provide goods and services that will make life meaningful and worth living for its citizens. Since it came to power, the National Resistance Movement has


The ActionAid Weekly- The triumph against Bride Price refund

last week, Uganda witnessed the first Court judgment on a bride price refund case. The judge stated that it was improper to demand for bride price refund because the Supreme Court ruled that the