How women empowerment has continued to transform communities.
A story of Change.
Rose (44) is a mother of 7 (4girls, 3boys) from Omodoi subcounty in Katakwi district. She is a member of the Sunrise village Savings and Loans association group and Sunrise Reflect Action group in her village.
Her story:
I joined the Reflect Action group, a local community group, back in 2011. The community group was at the time teaching people how to read and write, on issues of gender-based violence and sharing knowledge on improved farming methods.
The members of this local group later agreed to expand it by introducing savings and loans to better support the livelihoods of the people. At the time, I was unable to fully join considering I did not have a clear source of income and only got money to feed my children through some of the casual labor work I was able to sell.
My luck however changed when ActionAid supported our group with groundnut seed and some sheep for commercial purposes.
As a beneficiary of this tremendous support, I received one sheep and a basin of groundnut seed and this was the turning point for me. I planted my groundnut seed and from the first harvest, I got two bags which I sold. I also managed to multiply my sheep and are currently up to four (4) animals.
In 2015, I decided to diversify my livelihood and bartered off my sheep for a cow which produced five (5) more even though I lost two (2) of them. From my cows, I can sell milk and take some for home consumption with my children. I also save part of the money I make from selling this milk, saving an average of Ugx.2,000 (0.5USD) to Ugx.6,000 (1.6 USD) with the group, every week.
When we divided our money as a group at the close of last year, I was able to walk away with Ugx.250,000 which helped me in paying off my outstanding loan with the community group.
When we divided our money as a group at the close of last year, I was able to walk away with Ugx.250,000 which helped me in paying off my outstanding loan with the community group.
With the income I have gotten from the farming, I have managed to take my children to school and enhance my family’s standard of living. My first born is now in Senior 3 at the girls boarding school in Moroto.
I am very grateful for the support I received through ActionAid. I am so grateful to ActionAid for the love they have for the rural women, I am now an empowered woman, I am an ambassador of community transformation, I am a model, am a village story that many can’t believe because I had nothing but because of ActionAid. Long live ActionAid and your partners.”