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The ActionAid Weekly:ActionAid in solidarity with Palestine-End Occupation!

Last Monday, ActionAid joined in a solidarity action to demand for an end of Israel's 50 years of occupation abuses in Palestine. In case you thought that this was a religious war, read on and unlearn


The ActionAid Weekly:Freedom of Expression campaign to be rolled out!

Social media today is more of an entertainment site than a platform to engage with the powerholders. If you point to the real issues, you will most likely end up in a maximum security prison. We need


The ActionAid Weekly-General Assembly approves new country strategy,Board members Appointed!

In this weekly issue, we celebrate the approval of ActionAid’s 5th Country Strategic Paper by the General Assembly. Congratulations to all Action Aiders. In other news, the General Assembly appointed


The ActionAid Weekly: Land awareness week in Amuru

But in a bid to provide platforms for massive community awareness on land rights, ActionAid Gulu Cluster in partnership with the Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development and Participa-tory


The 2016 ActionAid Uganda Annual Report

In this 2016 Annual Report, we recount gains made in addressing gender based violence impacting 51,555 women, youth and girls.We supported 1,631 women affected by land rights violations. ActionAid


The ActionAid Weekly-Ugandan Experiences Inspire FGM Campaign in Spain

In this edition of the Weekly, we bring to you the Ugandan team that is currently in Spain to support the anti-Female Genital Cutting campaign; So far so good. We also write about the labour Day


15th edition of Oil in Uganda newsletter!

There is excitement among the logistics and service providers that the emerging extractive sector presents great business and employment opportunities for UgandansThis newsletter whose theme is


The ActionAid Weekly-Women Miners Decry land grabs

In this weekly issue, we bring to you the launch of the Billion Euro project in Kotido; interesting images of the youth set to benefit from the project herein.  We also captured the moments from the


The ActionAid Weekly- GBV Cuts Susan's life short

In this issue, we eulogize Susan Atto, a young and vibrant mother of two who  was strangled to death  by her husband. If you were in doubt about the brutality of GBV, refer to this story.In other news


The ActionAid Weekly.The fall army worm threatens livelihoods!

Katooko Rose, a member of Ailwantoi group in Bukedea smiles that her maize garden. She may not bear the same smile this season due to the infestation of the Fall army warm. This simply means that the