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Women's Rights Centres

The Women’s Rights Centre is a crisis centre for abused women and their children. It is a one-stop centre that provides a safe space for women to heal, to learn and to change the situation for the

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Embracing Rights! Improving Lives!

Embracing Rights! Improving Lives! - ActionAid International Uganda Country Strategy IV, 2012-2017

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Stories of Change: One Woman at a Time

Women  are the  key  link  to  development,  yet  they  suffer  the  most   when  it  comes  to  HIV/AIDS  and  violence. Stories of Change is a compilation of testimonies of women from six districts


Frontline Stories: Fighting Corruption from Below

The publication “Fighting corruption from below” is an acknowledgement of ActionAid's partners work in the fight against corrupion in Uganda. It is a collection of stories anchored in the work and