Black Monday Movement Newsletter
Enough is Enough! Action against theft of public money! Read about the first Black Monday when civil society mourned the Ugandan lives lost to corruption.
ActionAid Uganda 30 Years Special Anniversary Newsletter
Stories of Change! A special edition on the changes that the forefront of ActionAid, our 77 implementing partners, create every day in the communities.
ActionAid Uganda Newsletter July
About the impact of our work, and the paradoxes. Praised by the citizens, but not the leaders.
ActionAid Uganda Annual Report 2012
Oil in Uganda Newsletter #2
Land disputes in the oil-rich regions are often complex, but two things seem clear: oil discovery has encouraged opportunists, and many ordinary people are cursing.
ActionAid Uganda newsletter June 2012
People’s Actions, People’s Power. Newsletter on Governance
The NGO Policy.
Research Report on the Impact Arbitrary Large Scale Land Acquisitions Has on Women’s Right to Land Access, Usage and Control in Uganda
This research report arises from the desire by Action Aid International Uganda under its Women Rights Division, to conduct a situational analysis within Uganda on the prevailing concerns on land
Stories and Voices of Hope from Giriki.
The Newsletter captures stories and voices of hope from Giriki and represents the triumph over the trials of people in Giriki. It demonstrates the workings of ActionAid’s Human Rights Based Approach