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The ActionAid Weekly-The “Unprecedented” Northern Uganda Awards!

In the Weekly today, we announce the flag off of the Women2Kilimanjaro campaign. Read more on how you can be part of it to take home a beautiful prize from ActionAid. Last week, ActionAid conducted


Condolense messages from ActionAiders Across the world for the Late James.AA Otto



The ActionAid Weekly-Celebrating the life of James AA.Otto

[ibimage==35520==image_content_fullwidth==none==self==null==]It’s a chilly and cloudy morning here at ActionAid Kampala office.  This is how it is, not  only with the weather but also  within our


The ActionAid Weekly-Women Activists not threatened by arrests!

In this issue, we bring to you the brave women from the Uganda Women’s Movement. Arrested but not intimidated, they are determined not to rest until  they achieve a people centred  Government. We also


The ActionAid Weekly-The Sad Tale of the Bennet Women

[ibimage==35422==image_content_fullwidth==none==self==null==]Last week, the Benet Women, painfully and emotionally demanded that their land be excluded from the Mt Elgon National Park Boundaries. They


Presentation by ActionAid Uganda to Political Parties

Political Parties are an important part of democracies and development. However, in many countries, civil society rarely engage with political parties in a systematic manner. ActionAid Uganda has


The ActionAid Weekly;AAU makes a bold move to work with Political parties

In this issue, AAU makes a bold move to work with Political parties, and guess what; they are not only surprised but excited and thrilled at the proposal of working with ActionAid.  As usual, the


The ActionAid Weekly-Kinju latrines cave in;Pupils at risk

[ibimage==35252==image_content_fullwidth==none==self==null==]In this edition of the Weekly, we  bring to you the sad state of Affairs at Kinju Primary school in Nebbi.Enjoy your read.


Defending, Protecting, Creating and Expanding Political Space

Civic and political space, including freedom of expression, association and peaceful assembly and the right to participate in public affairs is essential for citizens to make informed decisions about


The ActionAid Weekly; Nebbi blind children grop in the dark!

Dear Reader,In this issue of the Weekly, read about the Visually impaired children in Nebbi who are suffocated with inadquate infrastructure! Also read about the remarkable journey of our Finance