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ActionAid Uganda Annual Report 2014

Individual triumphs, solidarity actions and policy gains for ActionAid Uganda in 2014.


Oil and Agriculture-10th issue of the Oil in Uganda Newsletter!

This issue focuses on the role of agriculture in lifting Uganda’s rural poor out of poverty and calls on government not to ignore that sector in preference for oil and gas. A section of the newsletter


The ActionAid weekly April 6th

Black Monday movement convenes Easter prayers against vote buying, vote selling and vote stealing!


Black Monday Newsletter #25

The Anti-Corruption (Amendment) Bill, 2013 was yet again in the house for another reading. This comes hot on the heels of a survey, ‘Who Pays the Piper’ released by civil society recently in which


ActionAid Uganda Weekly

Celebrating International Women's day; ActionAid Uganda voted best NGO in Amuru.


ActionAid Uganda Weekly

As we continue to celebrate International Womens Day, the Weekly brings to you the 12 Human Rights key to Womens Empowerment and Gender equality!