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The Weekly 24th-30th September, 2018

Did you know that it is a year since the police siege? Arthur recounts and shares the positives to take home and the negatives to ponder about. This and more in this weekly edition Enjoy!


The AAU Weekly 1st-7th Oct 2018

Dear Reader,Just in case you missed the CD's story in the Daily Monitor, find it here. Xavier talks about what it took to work for AAU amidst government scrutiny. We also bring you highlights of a

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Women reap from cooperatives in Katakwi district.

Polly Apio is a 63-year-old woman who lives in Odoom Village, Guyaguya Parish, Katakwi District. She was elected Chairperson of the Usuk Community Seed store years ago, when ActionAid first started

AAIU renews the hope of Small Holder Farmers through Climate Resilient Agriculture practices.

The outbreak of COVID-19 and resultant restrictions coupled with harsh climatic conditions further increased vulnerability of communities in Kibuku district. The COVID-19 induced lockdown and curfew

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Women in Bullisa standup for their rights.

Societies in Uganda are predominantly patriarchal and even though many women in these societies may know their rights, they are encouraged to take the back seat and therefore have their voices

Stakeholders reflect on the obstacles of Women's access to land rights.

Despite the governing laws, women remain marginalized when it comes on land ownership in Uganda, but most especially dire in parts of Northern Uganda. It is based on this background that AAIU, through

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Women making strides through economic empowerment.

Ruth 39, Augustine 41, and Rose 40 are members of Kitawoi joint saving farmer’s group.
The group consists 17 men and women, some of whom are Persons With Disabilities (PWDs),Gender Based Violence (GBV

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Broken but not defeated.

Throughout history, it has been the inaction of those who could have acted, the indifference of those who should have known better, the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most that has

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"I had lost the will to live until ACTIONAID came to my rescue."

My name is Akello Mary (not real names), I am 15 years old and I live in Gulu District. My parents separated when I was 5 years old so I have only lived with my father for the past 10 years. It was

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AAIU provides emergency relied for refugees in settlements.

Following the deep experienced by Uganda’s economy as an after effect of the outbreak of COVID-19, many refugees who had fled conflict in South Sudan, DR Congo and resettled in Uganda had become