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The EU funded YESSEN Project

[ibimage==39467==image_content_fullwidth==none==self==null==]ActionAid Uganda with funding from the European Union started the implementation of the Youth Empowerment for Sustainable Self Employment


The ActionAid Weekly- Land Awareness week!

In this edition of the weekly, we bring to you the activities from the land awareness week in words and pictures.  We also unveil ActionAid Busiki’s new product for the youth; the Thursday Abavubuka


The ActionAid Weekly

Last week when DFID met its partners, the talk on fraud was tough. To manage fiduciary risks and safeguard DFID’s integrity, DFID set up a Safeguards unit to handle all corruption and fraud related


The ActionAid Weekly- ActionAid launches new Women Land Rights Project

In the Weekly today, we bring to you details of the newly launched Women Land Rights Project in Northern Uganda.  We also feature the 6th February, the Day dedicated to the fight against FGM and a lot


The ActionAid Weekly

AAU’s Harriet Gimbo (2nd Right) was a panellist at the CSO pre-budget dialogue last Thursday. Harriet suggested alternative sources of funding to Government for the critical sectors of health and


The ActionAid Weekly

Dear reader! In the current 5th Strategy, ActionAid is working to expand opportunities for young people to realise their right to better livelihoods by 2022. In the photo, ActionAid under the EU


AAU Country Director's New Year Message to staff.

Happy New Year and Warm Greetings!I would like to acknowledge all the efforts of different teams and various achievements gained during the past 12 months. Despite the disruptions, we were able to