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ActionAid holds the eastern regional participatory reviews and reflection processes.

AAIU clusters in Katakwi, Kumi and Kapchorwa districts jointly organized two-day regional participatory reviews and reflections in Soroti district on 19th and 20thNovember 2020.

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Kapchorwa cluster hosts two-day convention on Women's rights.

AAIU through the Kapchorwa Cluster conducted a two days Women’s Convention on Women Land Rights, Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and other violations against Women and Girls. The convention brought

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Rose Akello on her journey to success with ActionAid.

“I am grateful to God for everything and to AAIU who came to my rescue when I had no hope, I didn’t know my rights. Even when I came back home, my brothers didn’t want me to own land, but because I

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This partnership meeting saw over 420 people sensitized about the National Transitional Justice Policy, which was largely hinged on truth telling, reparations, and amnesty. Among the participants in

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Lucy tells her story of success with support from ActionAid.

Lucy recalls her life before ActionAid, full of misery, hopelessness, and uncertainty. They survived on one meal a day, her children lacked clothing and quality education. That was around the period

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COVID-19 induced Lockdown, a silent trigger to violation of women’s land rights in rural communities.

On 1st May 2020 a motorcycle rider in Gulu town returned to the village after about 17 years. Upon his return, he claimed Agnes’ garden saying that the land belonged to his grandfather and he had the

Movement Building against Land Grabbing.

ActionAid Uganda conducted a 3 day intensive training in movement building with the 20 women of the Alebtong women’s network group against land grabbing in Lira District.

The training aimed at

Rural Women in Agriculture.

When COVID-19 broke out and the country was locked down, it set me back because I couldn’t conduct business. I had planned to sell off my onions but there was no market as people were focused on how

COVID19 lockdown Vs Livelihoods.

Elizabeth narrated that following the outbreak of the COVID-19 Pandemic and subsequent lockdown, she underwent psychological, physical and economic distress. This is because she had just finished

A potential Woman Model Farmer.

Esther explains that the major challenges she has encountered as a woman farmer are: Limited finances to expand her crop farming, low market prices and community’s belittlement of women farmers.